We (that being the Google Mac team) recently opened up the Google Mac Playground which you can read about here. The interesting part for me is that three of my 20% projects are highlighted on it.
Coverstory probably isn't too exciting to most of the folks reading this blog as it's a developer tool, but I use it myself on a regular basis.
The Quartz Composer patches are kind of fun, but again are more for developers to play with. They allow folks to take read the tilt sensors and the ambient light sensors in their portables, and use them to control Quartz Composer.
Finally there's Statz. Statz is a fun little app that makes changing your status on your various IM clients really easy. We'll be putting out plugins for more services as soon as we can, but for right now, we wanted to get the basic program out there for people to play with.
Anyway, thought I'd let people know what I've been up to. If you've seen my status jumping around to weird and wonderful things, it's because I've been going nuts this last week getting Statz ready to spring on the world.