Monday, April 17, 2006

On the road again

Well...I've been at Google almost a full quarter, and as of Friday I have been moved twice. The first time was a minor move up one floor. This time was a bit more major as I got moved into another building. I now share an office with one other guy (Alex) instead of a cube of three or four people, and I have a window! Woo hoo. The building is brand new, and has easier parking, showers and all GOLDEN GRAHAMS you could want in the microkitchen. I think I'm set for life :) We've got an office pool going how long we're staying in this particular location, and I'm considered the optimist at guessing a year.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Congratulations! I presume that having an office with a window means that you are appreciated. Sounds good to me. Parking and Golden Grahams! I'm jealous...