Lately I've been meaning to put something up about my goings on in Scotland...and I'm sure you guys have all heard me talking about weekends away with the OTC. So here's my company! Waterloo...this is us two weeks ago at Garelochead training center, it's also a Naval base where they house all of Britains Nuclear Submarines...we could see the sub penns, it was pretty cool! Rumour has it that there is a mountain around here that they've partially hollowed out and in which they keep all of their nuclear warheads. It was pretty interesting. That weekend wee did a CQB course, which is a close quarter combat course, it was a lot of fun! But I don't really have any good pictures of it...but basically what it was was we advanced in two man fire teams up a river bed, engaging targets along the way, with blank ammunition, and I was fire team leader! Next weekend I'll be heading out with some regular infantry, and apparently it will all be live fire! wahoo! Hopefully I'll have some better pictures then, and maybe I'll also finally have a picture of me in my No. 2 uniform, which is the full dress kilt uniform...;) Anyway, I'm having an excellent time with it, and really enjoying Scotland in general. Julie and I are doing really well, and both of us are really looking forward to coming to Mexico for spring break, and hopefully i'll be able to finally meet my niece!
OOhhh! I didn't mention that my Training Major is trying to get me a two day attachment to the Army Air Corps this summer, where I will be able to fly an APACHE helicopter!! Bwuahahha!
Hey Bren...hope you don't mind the little bit of fixup. Just trying to keep things tidy around here, not to mention there was no way to figure out which one of the dark blobs was you :)
well...for future reference to other people...I am first row, center. and thanks...it was a bit skewed...
I found you but even your mother had to guess. Thanks for the fixups, Dave. I will post after Shannon igives me a lesson next weekend. :-)
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