Friday, May 6, 2005

Count down is on...

We have the nursery all set up now and are about as ready as we are going to be. Seems odd that after so much waiting and planning that we are finally here. Due date is next Sunday, but she is fully cooked now and could come at any time. As much as I have loved being pregnant, and am still quite comfortable, we are looking forward to meeting our new family member...any day now!


Rachel said...

I'm so excited for you!!! Can't wait to see the obligatory "baby's first blog pics" ... (well, not counting the ultrasound)

Jon said...

You gonna videoblog the birth? ;-)

Jennifer said...

Yeah...I don't think so, but we will post photos - will that do?

Noelle said...

You created a HUMAN!!!!!!!!! OH BOY! I mean, Oh GIRL!

Any names yet?

Jennifer said...

You will know when she gets labeled with one:-) Wanna make sure it suits her first...