Saturday, June 7, 2008

San Jose International

Hey folks,

I know this is last minute, but thought I'd advertise.

I'm doing a triathlon Sunday (6/8/08) morning in and around Almaden lake (South SJ). If you happened to be in the neighborhood and want to come cheer me on, I'd love it. I hit the water at 0708, and I'm expecting to cross the finish line sometime around 0930-1000. The pros will be crossing the finish line around 0900.

Directions/Parking info here.

Should be a good race to watch if you were ever interested in seeing a tri.

I'll be wearing bib number #504, on a Black Cervelo wearing a blue and yellow tri suit.

1 comment:

Mary said...

Show them how it is done, Dave. Wish I could be there to watch